We go to the ring and out comes John Cena making his return to WWE TV for his first match since Hell In a Cell in October. Cena cuts a promo about how he defended his title but Alberto Del Rio isn't a fighting champion. Cena reveals that Del Rio is not putting his title on the line tonight. Fans boo. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio is out next with a mic. He's got the rest of The League of Nations. Del Rio says he picks when he defends his title and these people don't deserve to see a title match. More boos. Cena calls him an idiot. Cena says Del Rio is afraid he will embarrass him and take the title. Del Rio reminds Cena what happened last time. Cena says Del Rio has done nothing since then. He challenges Del Rio to a title match right now or asks if he's just going to be a little punk b---h. The crowd pops. Del Rio says what Cena is trying won't work. He says Cena will have a fight tonight though. Cena calls Del Rio a gutless, spineless one-hit wonder that gained a title and lost his manhood. He tells Del Rio to bring them all down. Cena drops the mic and tosses his shirt. The League talks on the ramp as Cena gets the crowd riled up. Del Rio heads to the ring by himself and talks trash to Cena. The League waits at the top of the ramp. Del Rio says he's going to send Cena home for good by himself tonight. Del Rio says if Cena wants a title match, he's got it. The crowd pops as we go to commercial. Back from the break and the announcers remember Motorhead frontman Lenny Kilmister, who passed away at the age of 70 and was a close friend of Triple H's. They lead us to a tribute video for Lemmy. We go back to the ring for formal introductions from Tony Chimel. Del Rio strikes first with an early pin attempt. Del Rio takes Cena to the corner. Del Rio mounts Cena in the corner and dropkicks him in the back of the head for another 2 count. Del Rio continues to dominate Cena as Cena is stunned. They go to the floor and Del Rio sends Cena into the ring post. Del Rio rolls Cena back in and goes to the top. Del Rio mocks Cena and comes off the top with a takedown for another 2 count. Del Rio keeps Cena grounded now. Del Rio misses the splash against the ropes and lands on the floor. Cena is still face down in the ring as the referee starts counting Del Rio out. We go to commercial. Back from the break and Cena starts making a comeback but Del Rio hits an enzuigiri for a 2 count. Del Rio drops knees. Del Rio goes back to the top but Cena dropkicks him out of mid-air. They run the ropes and Cena hits the shoulder tackles followed by the slam. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle to a pop and hits it. Del Rio slides out of the Attitude Adjustment and hits a Backstabber. Cena catches Del Rio's leg and applies the STF. The hold is broken and Del Rio nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a close 2 count. Cena blocks the cross armbreaker and nails a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. They get up and Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio turns it into the cross armbreaker and tightens it. Cena powers up and lifts Del Rio for a powerbomb. They go on and the referee gets knocked down after an AA attempt. Del Rio taps to the STF but the referee is down on the floor. Cena goes to yell at the referee but Sheamus runs down in between them. Rusev runs in the ring and Cena turns around to a big kick. Rusev throws Del Rio on top of Cena as Sheamus rolls the referee in. Cena kicks out at 2. Rusev holds Cena for a Brogue but Sheamus hits Rusev instead as Cena moves. Cena scoops for an AA but Del Rio nails the Backstabber for a close 2 count. Cena counters the cross armbreaker with the AA and goes for the pin but Rusev and Sheamus pull the referee out and start attacking Cena for the disqualification. Del Rio retains. Winner by DQ: John Cena - After the bell, Rusev and Sheamus beat Cena up as Del Rio recovers. Sheamus nails a Brogue and out comes The Usos. They go at it with Sheamus and Rusev. The League takes them out as Del Rio has recovered now. Sheamus goes out for a steel chair. Roman Reigns run down toa big pop. He spears Rusev on the floor and knocks Del Rio off the apron with a Superman punch. Reigns stares Sheamus down from the other side of the ring. They both enter the ring, Sheamus with a steel chair. Sheamus swings it but Reigns drops him with a Superman punch. Reigns hits Sheamus in the back with the chair. Reigns gets hype but Vince comes out and says first, he's going to sue the city of New York and if he could, he would sue each and every fan. Vince announces Sheamus vs. Reigns with the WWE World Heavyweight Title on the line for next Monday's RAW. Vince then reveals that he will be the special referee. Vince starts saying "Happy New Year" over and over, and that's how RAW goes off the air. Source: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/ |
Labels: Championship, jonh cena, Super Star, wwe