Looks like League of Nations wanted New Day to win tag team of the year! Roman Reigns has been beating the League of Nations all by himself for weeks. Dean winning a match with help isn't impressive. Now, winning by themselves like Reigns, that looks strong. It would be hilarious if Adam starts off by saying "It's simple,don't create them, end of video". Sheamus, why would you headbutt Ambrose on the outside of the cage knowing good and well that he could fall off and win the match? That's just stupid. Dean Ambrose And Roman Reings are the bosses....Finally, Finally justice is served after Roman Reigns crashes the party toward League of Nation by taking them down just what we need!!!!! Stephanie McMahon is frustrated after justice is served when Roman Reign crash the party with League of Nations. Stephanie McMahon is behind this mess once again Roman Reigns save the day & clean out the League of Nations!!!!! |